Covenant Invitation
Following God’s invitation to Israel to come and be fed… come and feast having their souls refreshed in the word of God, the Lord further extends an invitation for Israel to enter an eternal covenant. If there was any reason to question the sincerity of what God was offering after having poured out such a lavish blessing, the Lord essentially tells Israel, “You have only to consider my faithful love I promised to David, if you question my heart toward you.”
Isaiah 55:4-5 shows that God’s covenant, God’s commitment of love is not only expressed through the Lord’s provision, but also through the Lord’s lifting… the Lord’s elevation of his children. Further reminding the people of what God did concerning David, he says, “See, I have made him a witness… a leader and commander of the peoples.” And in like manner, “… you will summon nations… and nations… will hasten to you, because of the Lord your God.” For the Lord has already, “endowed you with splendor.”… already given you a measure of his glory, essence, and spirit.
Know that throughout this Lenten season… throughout the balance of your days, that when you draw near to God, God will draw near to you. For this is a sign and promise of the covenant the Lord has with those he loves.
Let Us Pray
Lord God, you are loving, faithful, and true. You are a covenant keeper who eternally holds to your word. We thank you for the gifts and graces you extend to us. Thank you for blessing us to receive from your hand. Thank you for lifting us, blessing us to participate in your redemptive work for those we know and love and for those people and nations that shall ultimately be drawn to you.