When the Wait is Over
Blessed and Holy Saturday to you. Today marks the fortieth and final day of our Lenten Journey for the 2022 season. Gratefully, it does not mark the end of our journey with our Lord and God, our Savior and King who is Jesus the Christ! Throughout this week we paused to take careful note of the ultimate sacrifice that was borne by our Beautiful Savior as foretold in Isaiah 52-53. On yesterday we drew still closer and were moved to consider more intensely the truth that the burden from the debt of sin we created was the very debt that was paid for us and all humanity throughout all generations. This debt was borne by the Holy One of God.
Now… today… as we commemorate Holy Saturday… commemorate this Holy Day of Waiting, I pray that we would recognize that the Lord’s sacrifice and suffering were not in vain. Isaiah clearly illustrated the weight of the burden. But praise God!!! Isaiah also illuminates the wonders of the blessing… the wonders of the promise that shall be fulfilled by the Lord God because of the sacrifice of his Son. For there is a blessing to be borne by our Savior. He shall for all times be our King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Let Us Pray unto our Lord!
Let Us give Praise unto our King!
A Blessed Holy Saturday and Triumphant Resurrection to All!