Beautiful Savior
Greetings to you on this Holy Thursday… this blessed Maundy Thursday, Saint of God!
We begin our meditation today on Isaiah 53, what may be a familiar text to many. As we do so, you are encouraged to go back, turn back to Isaiah 52, revisit this preceding chapter, and allow it to speak to you afresh before continuing through to chapter 53. As you do so, I wonder if you will hear what others have heard. Note that while a formal break is imposed on the written text, there is no break in the message. There is no transition, no deviation in terms of thought. The message from Isaiah concerning Israel’s deliverer flows seamlessly as the prophet expounds upon the work and ministry of the Savior. Verses 3-4 of today’s text are a re-presentation or re-interpretation of 52:14, for they both speak of the One who is innocent of all charges… innocent of all sin yet has chosen to bear the weight of the world’s wrongs.
As I meditate on these texts, I cannot help but consider my part in the creation of this burden the Savior has carried. Herein is the beauty in what the Lord has done. For the holy One has not only taken on your weight and mine, but that of every generation so that the world through him might be saved. Oh, what a beautiful Deliverer! Oh, what a beautiful Savior!!
Let Us Pray
Lord God, there is nothing that can compare to the sacrifice you have made for us. For your great sacrifice is born out of an even greater love for those of us you have adopted as your children. Lord God, we thank you for your abounding grace. May we live the balance of or days honoring you through the lives we live.