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Devotional 2022 ● Day Thirty-Nine

Writer's picture: Victorious HeartVictorious Heart

Beautiful, Beautiful Savior!

It is Holy Friday… Good Friday. A day which, at its inception was marred by a most horrific event that unfolded outside of Jerusalem’s walls, outside of the city of Zion. This was an infamous day, a day that for every onlooker who had hoped… for every follower who had believed … for every disciple (adherent) who had faith in the man whose human frame hung at center, beaten, and disfigured on a wooden cross, this day was anything but good. Most of us have come to know this day as “Good” only in retrospect… as we, the faithful of that time and the generations to come, were able to look back on that Friday through the lens of the Resurrection. Yet, the God of all knowledge chose one, in the person of the prophet Isaiah, to chronicle the story of Christ’s crucifixion before time, before Christ lived it out in history, so that all could come to know the depth of God’s love for us expressed through the sacrifice of our Beautiful Savior.

Let Us Pray

On today, all are encouraged to meditate on the words of Isaiah 53,

then pray from your heart.

A Blessed Good Friday to All!


Service Times:

Sunday Worship      9:00 am

Wednesday Word    7:00 pm 
Friday Devotion      7:00 pm
Friday Bible Study 7:30 pm



131-29 Farmers Blvd
Jamaica, NY 11434

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