The Beat of a Clean Heart
Every heart has its own beat… its own rhythm. An infant can lay on the breast of father or mother and be soothed, lulled to sleep by the peaceful, familiar, and steady beat of their parent’s heart. Dog, man’s best friend, can sometimes sense… sometimes detect a disturbance in that rhythm and consistent beat of their master’s heart, thus, signaling that their master is experiencing heart trouble. No matter the condition of one’s heart, it will always produce tell tail signs of its present state. Whether broken or whole; muddied or mercied, every heart speaks out of its abundance.
A clean heart produces a steady beat. A clean heart produces a consistent and faithful rhythm. A clean heart produces a testimony of peace, of promise and of truth. The beat of a clean heart produces a rhythm that inspires the heart to worship, to sing songs of praise, and to profess truths that can alter the path of transgressors and sinners alike. From the beat of a clean heart, the light and the love of God emanate.
In 1970, Margaret Pleasant Douroux, penned her first of more than 200 musical compositions. Her works have touched and inspired many. I am convinced that because of the notes, words and rhythm produced from her heart in her first composition, she had all that was needed to continue sharing, writing, and singing God’s praises. Let Us lift our voices and sing her first song, one that has become a heart cleansing hymn of the church “GIVE ME A CLEAN HEART.”
Give me a clean heart
so I may serve thee.
Lord, fix my heart so that I
may be used by thee.
For I'm not worthy
of all those blessings.
Give me a clean heart,
and I'll follow thee.