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Lenten Devotional 2021 - Day Nineteen



As I listened and recited Psalm 103, focused most intently on verses 10-14, two words came to mind, “Credit Report”. Trying our best to navigate the challenges of life amidst the ongoing uncertainties brought on and yet looming due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, many people are experiencing financial hardships at a level that they could never imagine. Late payments, missed payments, the need to defer payments have taken a toll on the financial forecast and credit scores of many. Some creditors are unable to extend grace, while others are simply unwilling. As I consider how people and companies do business and, more specifically, handle our indebtedness to them, I am elated that the Lord is the business manager of my life, the CPA of my soul.

The Lord’s system of accounting as it relates to our souls is heavily biased toward debt forgiveness. God is known for regularly reviewing our spiritual credit reports and expunging the debts we have accrued through sins of omission and commission. To access this debt forgiveness, we have only to confess our sins to the Lord. For I read in I John 1:9 that, “If we confess our sins, He [the Lord] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. The Lord would have us to be trained in this accounting practice as well, so that when we have been wronged that we, like God, would be heavily biased toward forgiving the debts of others.

So, Let Us evidence with our hearts that we are children of the Most High. Let Us willingly extend to others that same debt forgiveness that we deeply desire to receive from the Lord.


Service Times:

Sunday Worship      9:00 am

Wednesday Word    7:00 pm 
Friday Devotion      7:00 pm
Friday Bible Study 7:30 pm



131-29 Farmers Blvd
Jamaica, NY 11434

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