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Lenten Devotional 2021 - Day Seven


Ego Imperfectus 2

As you review and continue meditating on all of Psalm 51, I wonder which verses are speaking to you most loudly. Where is it that your attention rests? Inasmuch as it is necessary for each of us to acknowledge and confess our sins in earnest. Know that it is not God’s desire that we remain bound or enslaved to sin. Nor is it God’s intention for us to remain captive or chained to sin’s shame. Again, the acknowledgement and confession of our sin to God, are our responsibility, but our forgiveness is God’s work.

David knows there is nothing he can do to right the wrongs that he has done. Remember… “Imperfectus!”? “Ego imperfectus!”? “I am imperfect… broken… blemished… flawed.” “Lord God, I fouled-up, and I don’t have the capacity nor the ability to fix it… to fix ME!” So, David prays, “7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” In other words, “Lord, purify me and cleanse me of my moral stain.” Then, “Restore to me the joy I once knew as a shepherd boy in the fields, singing songs of praise. Please Lord, 8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have broken rejoice once again.

Know that there is no sin… no wrong that can separate us from God’s love… not one that can separate us from God’s forgiveness. God knows “Imperfectus sumus!” “We are imperfect!” So, Let Us come before God confessing. Let Us earnestly seek the forgiveness of the Lord, never depending on self, but trusting in God’s faithfulness to deliver.


Service Times:

Sunday Worship      9:00 am

Wednesday Word    7:00 pm 
Friday Devotion      7:00 pm
Friday Bible Study 7:30 pm



131-29 Farmers Blvd
Jamaica, NY 11434

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