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Lenten Devotional 2021 - Day Thirty-Two



Good Thursday morning one and All! As we begin meditating on today’s focal text, vv. 6-7, I thought it best to backpedal a bit, and include verse 5; otherwise, we might not grasp what “Therefore” in verse 6 is “there for” 😉.

What the psalmist shares, about who he had been verses who God was and continued to be, is pivotal. You see, even as the psalmist acknowledges his sins and iniquities without pretense and prepares to make his confession to God; God has already removed his guilt: issuing him a full pardon. I love this! The deadly undercurrent of sin that threatened to drag the psalmist down… pull him under, is devoid of its power in the face of God’s forgiveness. “Therefore,” the psalmist asserts in verse 6, let the godly “offer prayer;” in Hebrew this is יִתְפַּלֵּל pronounced yit-păl-lēl. Taken in its context, this call for the godly to “offer prayer,” is a call for the people of God to intervene and intercede with God, while the Lord is yet open to us… while the Lord is yet available, accessible, and desires to deliver. The psalmist goes on to express what he has come to learn about God’s identity and attributes; that God is a hiding place, a preserver, and the loving force that is his deliverance.

Let Us submit our confessions and prayers to the Lord. Let Us intervene and intercede with God on behalf of others. Let Us remember… rehearse all that God has been to us and for us. May we never forget that despite the sins we have committed… the sins we have yet to confess from our lips, that the Lord’s heart-desire is to bless us.


Service Times:

Sunday Worship      9:00 am

Wednesday Word    7:00 pm 
Friday Devotion      7:00 pm
Friday Bible Study 7:30 pm



131-29 Farmers Blvd
Jamaica, NY 11434

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