Have you ever gotten angry when watching people get-away with doing wrong? Do you know what it is to see wrongdoers getting ahead while those who pursue what is right… do what is right end-up losing out. I get angered whenever I see people engaged in evil enterprises, illegal activity, or behaviors that are morally corrupt, get caught in their wrongdoing, seemingly held to account, or brought to task, yet they skate. When all is said and done, they may get a slap on the wrist, but it’s clear that the reward for their wrongs is easy to bare when the consequences of their crimes are virtually nonexistent. I must admit that watching evildoers get elevated while seeing those doing good, those doing what is right get pushed aside, has at times left me feeling bitter. I realize, however, that in order to avoid getting caught-up… avoid getting stuck on what is bad, I must adjust my focus… I need to set my sights on the God in whom I trust.
I’ve come to the conclusion that we can’t focus our attention on the evils in this life, nor on the persons who engage in them. Our focus… our sights need to be set on God who is trustworthy and true. Trusting in the Lord produces in our hearts a drive to do good for goodness sake, rather than doing “good” in the hope that God will send good our way. Those good deeds, good acts produced in us are, instead, the innate byproduct of who we’ve become (are yet becoming) through the transforming effect that trusting in God has on our hearts. Additionally, trusting in God affects my taste-buds. Life looks better, tastes better rather than bitter. So, let us heed the counsel of God’s word to, 3 Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Let Us Pray
Lord God, you created us in your image and likeness. You desire to place in us the same heart of love, compassion, patience, and grace that beats within you. Lord, we pray that you will continue your transformative work in us. Help us to set our sights on you and what pleases you, so that we will always lean towards better.