Even Better!
Along with the psalmist’s directive in the previous day’s text, Psalm 37:1-4, to fret not over those that do evil, but to trust in the Lord, do good, make faithfulness your friend, and to take delight in the Lord; comes the commandment in today’s text to commit to the Lord our way and be patient. I understand that being patient is rarely easy. A favorite saying that I have coined is, “Be patient or become one.” That is to say, for us to do otherwise… for us to fret, is to invite the unwanted guess of Worry, Frustration, Anxiety, and Stress into our lives. And they are quick to open the door to their twin offspring known as Sickness and Sin.
Let Us commit our way to the Lord. Let Us wait patiently for our God. You see, like the other bad actors mentioned above, Commitment and Patience are closely related to one another as well. My understanding of what it means to COMMIT, is to set one’s sights; to wholeheartedly dedicate one’s attention, focus, energies, and self to a specific course and/or cause, with the hope (expectation) of a certain end, result, or outcome. When we say that we have/are “committed” to something or someone, this declaration carries the expectation of waiting, enduring, and staying the course. Trust that to do so… to commit your way to the Lord, carries a promise from God. Psalm 37:5b-7a make plain what the Lord will do, “… he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.
Let Us Pray
Lord God, you are great! You are the God of your word! So, today and throughout the days ahead, we will set our sights on you and not the world. We will commit our way and our focus to you, and patiently await the manifestation of your promises. Thank you for being the GOD who is ever-gracious, faithful, and true!